Oral Diabetic Medications Therapy
Many types of treatment performed patients diabetics to get relief, one of which, namely the type of oral therapy for diabetics. Oral hypoglycemic drugs are primarily intended to assist the handling of type II diabetes mellitus patients. The selection of the proper oral hypoglycemic drugs largely determines the success of the therapy of diabetes. Depending on the severity of the illness and the patient’s condition, oral hypoglycemic farma-teraphy can be done using one type of medication or combination and two types of drugs. Selection and determination of the regimen used hypoglycemic should consider the severity of diabetes (Glycemic levels) as well as the patient’s health condition in general including other diseases and complications. Oral Diabetic Medications Based on the mechanism works, oral hypoglycemic medications can be divided into 5 groups, namely: The Sulfonylurea This class is the medicine which increases the secretion of insulin. This is the type of oral...